Thursday, December 9, 2021

Te Kinga's Big Day Out.

 Yesterday Te Kinga had their "big day out" and it was a lot of fun (even though it was raining a little bit). Before we left for our "day out" we were put into groups of 4 for challenges. One of the challenges was a first aid challenge and how we will react in situations if our classmates were injured. We were walking along the Arnold river track, and one of our group members (Jimi) fell and pretended to break his arm. The rest of our group, which consisted of Aroha, Grace and I had to help our group member. When we were helping Jimi we had to check for dangers, make sure Jimi was responding and sitting up. We were going alright until we had to put a sling around his neck and arm, because when we tied up it kept on falling off. Here's Jimi with his broken arm:

When our class had got down to the beach near the swing bridge, the class was put into 2 groups, and we had to build our own shelter because it was raining. Solomon and Flynn knew exactly how to build shelters, so everyone followed their lead. We had decided to put the end of our tarp (which was our roof) on some tree branches using some flax as rope. We stuck giant sticks in the ground and used it to hold up the other side of the tarp. Nic told us to get under our shelter, and Alice (Solomon's mum) grabbed a bucket of water and tipped it on the roof of our shelter. Luckily, the shelter had survived and stayed up. The other group weren't so lucky cause when Alice poured another bucket of water on their shelter it broke and fell on them, but no one got fully wet.

My favourite challenge though was building a fire, which was fun. So I dug a small pit and got some dry wood and put it in a small TP formation. Underneath the TP I put newspaper and dry grass. When my group was ready to start the fire, we were given 2 matches and a match box. The first time I tried lighting the fire the match blew out, and the second time I tried lighting the fire the match also got blown out. So I decided to steal someone else's fire. I got prepared by grabbing a stick with newspaper on it and then I went to the lucky victim's fire when they weren't looking and light my stick on fire. I went slowly to my fire so it didn't blow out and put the stick on the paper and voila, my fire was ready. On top of making a fire, I got to make and eat smores which was fun because there were giant marshmallows to go with it.

So overall it was a good day and everyone had so much fun.

Te Kinga's Big Day Out.

 Yesterday Te Kinga had their "big day out" and it was a lot of fun (even though it was raining a little bit). Before we left for ...