Thursday, December 9, 2021

Te Kinga's Big Day Out.

 Yesterday Te Kinga had their "big day out" and it was a lot of fun (even though it was raining a little bit). Before we left for our "day out" we were put into groups of 4 for challenges. One of the challenges was a first aid challenge and how we will react in situations if our classmates were injured. We were walking along the Arnold river track, and one of our group members (Jimi) fell and pretended to break his arm. The rest of our group, which consisted of Aroha, Grace and I had to help our group member. When we were helping Jimi we had to check for dangers, make sure Jimi was responding and sitting up. We were going alright until we had to put a sling around his neck and arm, because when we tied up it kept on falling off. Here's Jimi with his broken arm:

When our class had got down to the beach near the swing bridge, the class was put into 2 groups, and we had to build our own shelter because it was raining. Solomon and Flynn knew exactly how to build shelters, so everyone followed their lead. We had decided to put the end of our tarp (which was our roof) on some tree branches using some flax as rope. We stuck giant sticks in the ground and used it to hold up the other side of the tarp. Nic told us to get under our shelter, and Alice (Solomon's mum) grabbed a bucket of water and tipped it on the roof of our shelter. Luckily, the shelter had survived and stayed up. The other group weren't so lucky cause when Alice poured another bucket of water on their shelter it broke and fell on them, but no one got fully wet.

My favourite challenge though was building a fire, which was fun. So I dug a small pit and got some dry wood and put it in a small TP formation. Underneath the TP I put newspaper and dry grass. When my group was ready to start the fire, we were given 2 matches and a match box. The first time I tried lighting the fire the match blew out, and the second time I tried lighting the fire the match also got blown out. So I decided to steal someone else's fire. I got prepared by grabbing a stick with newspaper on it and then I went to the lucky victim's fire when they weren't looking and light my stick on fire. I went slowly to my fire so it didn't blow out and put the stick on the paper and voila, my fire was ready. On top of making a fire, I got to make and eat smores which was fun because there were giant marshmallows to go with it.

So overall it was a good day and everyone had so much fun.

Friday, November 12, 2021


 Today in Te Kinga we were captioning our camp photos.
Here is an example of whet were doing in class.

Monday, July 5, 2021


 Last week Blake and I were doing a Topic challenge with the rest of the class. Our Topic was to see who can make a boat out of flax and flax flowers, everyone made a boat in the given amount of time so our next challenge was to float them. Everyone's boat floated so we did another challenge which was throwing them off the swing bridge and racing them. Everyone threw their boats and none of them broke but the boats were speeding down the river. I don't think any of them sunk except for me and Blake's boat which was half above the water.

Do you think you can make a boat?

Monday, May 24, 2021

Our visit with Mike O'Driscoll.

 Today Te Kinga went for a walk down to the lake to learn what Mike (Solomon's dad) did for his job. Mike once a month goes to Lake Brunner and does some tests to see if the water isn't contaminated and is safe for the environment. Some of the tests are testing the temperature and also doing a Black disc visibility check, which is seeing how far he can see under the water. There is another test to see how much dissolved oxygen is in the water. The reason Mike sees how much dissolved oxygen is in the water is to see if the fish can breathe under water or not.

Here is a picture of today:

Monday, May 17, 2021

Literacy Task.

Last week for literacy I did some work about a Roald Dahl book called Danny the champion of the world. The work I did for the book is novel studies. Novel studies has a bunch of questions for each chapter for the book I am reading. The questions that were given to me were hard and it made me read the chapters over and over again. So my novel studies work is challenging which is a good thing to help me learn.

Danny, the Champion of the World (colour edition) : Roald Dahl :  9780141357874

Monday, May 10, 2021


 Last week for topic I learned about hydro powered dams. Hydro powered dams are dams that create electricity from water. The way the dams work is that the water from a lake or river goes through a tunnel and pushes the blades which are connected to a turbine making them spin. The turbine is connected to a generator, so when it spins its powering the generator. The generator then passes through electricity to power lines which powers houses and buildings. Our school is powered by a dam called the Arnold dam which uses Lake Brunners water.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

What im looking forward to this Term...

 What i'm looking forward to this term, is the sports. In winter time there is usually a lot of sports to do. This terms sport that we are learning is handball. Handball is a mixture of Netball and Basketball, Handball teaches you about communication, throwing and passing skills and of course teamwork. Along with sports my goal for this term is to get better at my basic multiplication. I'm already good at my multiplication but I want to be able to quickly know the answer if its on a test. So what i'm looking forward to this term is sports. And my goal for this term is to get better at my multiplication.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Te Kinga Bush Walk

 On Thursday last week the Te Kinga class climbed up Mt Te Kinga, we were going up to the 4th lookout point. We started the walk towards the mountain which was at least 5 minutes away. Finally after 5 minutes of walking we started our journey up the mountain. It was easy at first, because it wasn't as muddy and slippery at the bottom. It was a fun journey up until we got past the 1st lookout. After the 1st lookout, the ground was mostly mud that would take your shoes off you. I was wearing sneakers instead of hiking boots, so I had to leap onto tree roots, fallen branches and stuff to not get my sneakers dirty. Surprisingly I didn't get any mud on my shoes. When we got to the top we were greeted by a lovely view. When we got back down we grabbed our togs and went for a refreshing swim. While I was drying off I decided to be Super Zaine. People made fires on the beach for us to roast marshmallow. One person somehow got their marshmallow in the lake, but Solomon grabbed it and put it in the fire. Overall it was a good day.

Would you ever go on the Mt Te Kinga walk?

Monday, March 29, 2021

What I have learned about my Science Experiment.

Last week I did a Science Experiment about how a wave reacts to a different sea bed. I did two types of wave a surf wave and a Tidal wave Aka a Tsunami. I had two containers one with modeling clay shaped into little bumps and the other container was just normal. Nic used a hair dryer to create the surf waves which were tiny but there were alot of them. The container with the modeling clay was next. Nic used the hair dryer and the waves were smaller and quicker. After the hair dryer turned off the wave in both containers went away really quickly. Next was the Tsunami I had to shake both of the containers with the same force but it was really messy and I got drenched.
There were no photos sadly.

Monday, March 22, 2021

What is then value of Sport and Physical Education at School?

The value of Sport is to have fun and win, like in our Athletics day last week. Physical Education values the need of knowing how to do the basics, as in throwing a ball properly. Personally I like Physical Education because it gives me a chance to learn new things and how to perfect my basic throwing and catching skills. Athletics value is the advanced Physical Education, it teaches you how to do the really hard things, long jump for example needs running and jumping skills. For Athletics day last week my favourite thing I done was high jump because I am really good at it and I jumped 1.35 metres.

Here's some of my photos from Athletics day:

Sadly there was no photos for my high jump.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Zaine's Art

 For World Wildlife day on the third of March 2021 we had to draw an rain forest/jungle animal in its natural habitat. I choose the chameleon because it looked hard to draw and I wanted a challenge. First off we had to do a rough draft of our animal cause we had only one hour and a bit to get our drawings done. After we had done our draft we needed to get straight on to our good copy. Since we had to do it in one hour everyone was rushing I however was taking my time because most my drawing that were rushed turned out to be bad. After we did our drawing of our animal we had to colour it with crayon so that when we painted over it with dye it would roll of the crayon and onto the background.

Here's a picture of my drawing that I cant get the right way:

Monday, March 1, 2021

Why mistakes are important for learning.

Mistakes are important for learning so you can learn from it. If you do something wrong that is called a mistake. Your'e probably not going to get anything right on your'e first try. But don't be scared to try new things if your'e worried about making a mistake, mistakes are supposed to be made so you can learn from them. You will keep making mistakes, and each mistake you make your'e learning something new.

Donald Slip on Soap #DonaldDuckEsq | Donald duck, Duck cartoon, Donald duck  characters

Te Kinga's Big Day Out.

 Yesterday Te Kinga had their "big day out" and it was a lot of fun (even though it was raining a little bit). Before we left for ...